Guides Nokia

How to Change Default Font in Nokia X2 Stock ROM

Like many other Android devices, Nokia X2 also comes with Roboto as the default font. Roboto isn’t a bad font, indeed great, but over a prolonged usage seeing the same font everyday can become boring. Unlike Samsung, Asus or other manufacturers, Nokia did not offer any additional fonts with the X2. Even the Xposed module known as iFont does not work on the Nokia X2. Although your decision to still use Stock ROM is questionable, but there definitely is a way to change the fonts in there.

Steps to Change Font in Nokia X2 Stock ROM

You will need to have Custom recovery installed on your Nokia to achieve this. If you do not have a custom recovery installed, you can use All recovery flasher made by us for installing a custom recovery or follow this tutorial – How to Install Custom Recovery on Android

  1. Download any font flashable zip of your choice from the links given later in the post.
  2. Place that file in the SD card.
  3. Reboot your phone to recovery mode.
    1. To boot to recovery, turn off your phone:
    2. Now Hold the Power Button + Volume up Button till the Nokia Logo appears.
    3. As soon as the Nokia Logo appears leave the power button and keep holding the Volume Up button till your phone boots into recovery.
  4. Now Press on Install.TWRP
  5. Select the Font zip file, and flash it.
  6. Now Reboot your phone.

That’s it for changing the font. Your device will display the newly added fonts when you boot it back up 😀

Available Font Flashable Zip Files

Flash one of the styles available below. You can also revert back to the default (original) font by flashing the last file from the list below.

Style 1: Download 1

Style 2: Download 2

Style 3: Download 3

Style 4: Download 4

Style 5: Download Rosemary font style

Stock Font: Download Stock

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