
Android 10 update rolled out to Nokia 5.1 Plus

Nokia 5.1 Plus Android 10

The highly anticipated Android 10 update for the Nokia 5.1 Plus is now available. The update file is sized over 1.32 GB, bumping the device’s build number to v3.11A. The update also bundles the Android security patch for April 2020. Nokia Mobile has completed Android 10 updates for 15 devices so far.

Update availability by region

For now, the Android 10 update is available in the following 34 countries. The remaining countries will be covered in Wave 2 or Wave 3 (if necessary).

  1. Armenia
  2. Australia
  3. Azerbaijan
  4. Bangladesh
  5. Belarus
  6. Belgium
  7. Cambodia
  8. Denmark
  9. Finland
  10. Georgia
  11. Hong Kong
  12. Iceland
  13. India
  14. Indonesia
  15. Kazakhstan
  16. Laos
  17. Luxembourg
  18. Macau
  19. Malaysia
  20. Mongolia
  21. Myanmar
  22. Nepal
  23. Netherlands
  24. New Zealand
  25. Norway
  26. Philippines
  27. Russia
  28. Singapore
  29. Sri Lanka
  30. Sweden
  31. Thailand
  32. Ukraine
  33. Uzbekistan
  34. Vietnam

What’s new in Android 10 for Nokia 5.1 Plus?

The update change-log for all Nokia Android One phones is identical. The Nokia 5.1 Plus is no different. Still, here’s an overview of what you’ll notice in the update release notes:

  • Dark mode – Take it easy on your eyes
  • Smart reply – Save more time with recommended actions
  • Gesture navigation – Get around with a swipe and pull
  • Additional controls for privacy and location
  • Google security patch (2020-04)
  • VoWiFi Enabled (in the selected region and operator combinations, including India – Airtel and Jio)

The only way to take this update is via a system update from Android settings. You cannot manually install the update via the recovery mode since the metadata doesn’t correctly match the device name: pda_sprout. If you cannot wait, then your only option is to play with a VPN and fool the update server that you are from a different region.

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