AVG is one of the most trusted companies offering software based security solutions. Antivirus for Windows PCs is one of the key selling products of AVG with...
Category - Windows
Windows is the operating system for desktop & mobile phones developed by Microsoft. Windows 10 is the most recent version of Windows. It is available in different editions, including Windows 10N & Windows 10S.
This archives page is a collection of all Windows related content found on this weblog. It includes guides & tutorials, news, Windows apps & software and other related content.
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LastPass is one of the most recommended password manager out there. The team which now functions under LogMeIn after the acquisition, has constantly worked on...
Purchased a brand new mobile running Windows 10 or upgraded from Windows Phone 8.1 to Windows 10? Lumia, HTC, LG, Acer or whatever Windows 10 mobile device you...
Windows 10 has changed the way certain features are assessed and customized, one such being the desktop icons. Desktop icons were easily customizable in...
In Windows 10 there are many things which are changed. For example the “Control Panel” is replaced by the “Setting App”. Many setting...
A lot of the current Windows 10 users are migrants from a previous version of Windows. Those coming from Windows 7 would remember the pre-installed or inbuilt...
We all know how to make a hidden folder in Windows. To hide a folder we “Right Click” on the folder and Select Properties and in...
Windows 10 has many hidden feature which we don’t know. One of the hidden feature is “Dark Mode”. By enabling this feature all the Windows 10...
According to the Microsoft report there are more than 75 million computers using Windows 10. But have you ever got some reboot on playing games, playing videos...
With the release of Windows 8 Microsoft added the feature of taking screenshot by pressing Windows Key + PrtScr button simultaneously. By pressing this the...