Android Firefox Guides

Disable (or Enable) Pull to Refresh in Firefox for Android

Pull to Refresh in Firefox
Pull to refresh feature has has matured from Firefox Beta and is now a part of stable version. You can still turn it off though.

Mozilla is adding many new features in Firefox for Android since the complete remake. The latest feature added to the stable release of Firefox’s mobile version is the “pull to refresh” – a feature that competing browsers have had for since long. You can reload the web page if you’re at the top and pull it further down. A reload icon appears to make the user aware of the refresh action.

The feature is helpful for one-handed use on websites where users must refresh to bring new content. However, the feature also causes many problems, especially on pages with web forms. A little extra unintentional pull can cause the whole page to reload, resulting in a loss of data filled into the forms. The Pull to Refresh functionality is also not fully stable on Firefox yet. Since a reload is not something I often do, I’d be glad to avoid unintended data loss caused by an accidental pull-down. Luckily, Mozilla gave the option to disable Pull to refresh in Firefox for Android. Here’s how to manage it.

Enable or Disable the “Pull to Refresh” feature on Firefox for Android

New versions of Firefox for Android come with “pull to refresh” enabled by default. It is so even if you upgrade from an older version on which the feature did not exist. But it is easy to revert. It only takes just 2 steps to disable the feature and return to the old familiar experience. Here’s how.

  1. Open Firefox for Android.
  2. Tap on the 3 vertical dots () and go to Settings ()Open Firefox settings and go to Customize
  3. Select Customize (🖌).
    Disable "Pull to refresh" feature in Firefox's settings
  4. Look for the “Pull to refresh” option with a toggle switch.
  5. Disable the toggle button to turn off the Pull to refresh functionality.
    Alternatively, enable the toggle to turn on Pull to refresh.

Do you like the Pull to Refresh feature? Do you like the easy way to refresh the web pages? Share your opinion about the pull-to-refresh feature in the comments below.

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