
Download Nokia Software Updater for Retail (Update: Discontinued tool)

Nokia Software Updater for Retail is a Nokia Software Update utility which makes it easy for the retail stores and Nokia Care staff to update the phone software easily and without any technical knowledge required. That’s why we also recommend that end users who want to update their phones should use NSU for Retail instead of Nokia Care Suite as Care Suite is a pretty advanced software which may result in dead devices if not used properly.

NSU is able to update/flash any new Nokia phone released in the market. Updates to NSU keep on coming as new devices are released.

nsu for retail home

We’ll keep this post updated to provide the latest versions of NSU for Retail as long as it is being developed. So good if you bookmark the post and come back to check for the availability of a new version. Here’s our assurance that the files provided here are not modified in any way and are exactly the way Nokia supplied them. Below are the released versions of NSU with newer at Top.

For tutorials on updating or how to flash info, kindly search around, otherwise updating using NSU is the easiest task ever.

Although we assure that these are official files, we should not be held responsible if you end up bricking up you phone due to any reason, be it malfunctioning of drivers or disconnection of phone during the flashing process.

Nokia Software Updater for Retail 4.2.1

Update: The links have been removed since the tool is discontinued and also the servers which supported it. You can only use third-party flash tools to flash the old phones.

Version 4.2.1 is also a mandatory update over the previous 4.1.0 version. The update needs to be done before you can use the product again. Following is the list of things that have changed:

  • Adds support for new devices running Windows Phone 8.1 (like Lumia 630)
  • Allows printing of customer receipt after update.
  • Recovery Drivers added to recover Dead/Unresponsive Lumia WP8 device.
  • Optimized Installer for ~30MB reduction in size.

Nokia Software Updater for Retail 4.1.0

4.1.0 is a mandatory update to NSU and users who have a previous version installed need to update to 4.1.0 before they can use it again. However, users who are not connected to any network will be able to use the former 3.0.8. Below is the change-log for this version:

  • Dead phone recovery for WP8 devices that do not boot up correctly.
  • Bug fixes for errors found after 3.0.8.

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