
Filter App Reviews on Google Play According to your Phone Model

Many times it happens that when you download an app from Google Play, it crashes or lags on your phone, even when the Google Play page of that app is full with countless reviews saying that the app/game runs fine. This is because the Android world includes countless phone models produced by various manufacturers which makes it hard for the developers to test and classify if the app will run on a particular phone or not. So how to know if an app /game is worth downloading or not?

To overcome this and find apps suitable for your phone, you can easily check the reviews written by the owners of the same phone that you own. So say if you own a Samsung Galaxy Ace, you can filter android app reviews written by other Galaxy Ace owners which will provide you with a clearer picture about how the app will perform. To filter app reviews, follow these steps:

Check how an Android app will perform on your Android Phone

  1. Open Google Play (
  2. Log into your Google account by clicking on Sign in in the top right.
  3. Now browse for the app for which you want to check the user reviews.
  4. On the app page, click on the User Reviews tab.
  5. Now click on All Devices and further choose your own Android phone attached to your Google Account.
    Filter app reviews google play
  6. That’s it! Google Play will then only show the reviews written by the owners of same phone model as you.

This is most beneficial if you own a phone with average specs and look for a popular app which has reviews written from lots of high-end devices. In that case, the app might not run smoothly on your phone, even when the reviews are full of good votes.

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