Operators Windows Phone

Idea brings Carrier Billing to Windows Phone users in India

Idea Cellular is a well established provider of voice and data services in India and hence maintains a big user base. While there is no official communication regarding this from Microsoft or Idea, it is being reported that Idea customers can now buy apps in the Windows Phone Store by using their cell phone account.

This will ensure that users who do not own credit cards (or do not want to use them online) are capable of purchasing apps and games from the Windows Phone Store. This will add to their smartphone experience making it more enjoyable and satisfying. Idea customers will see Idea as one of the payment methods while on the purchase page.idea opertor billing windows phoneEarlier, Reliance became the first Indian carrier to offer carrier billing to its Windows Phone customers and now Idea follows the suite. Hope it won’t take long for other major operators such as Vodafone and Airtel to follow the suite.

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