Android Guides

Install Andoid 4.2 Stock Keyboard (with Swipe) on your Current Phone

Google recently unveiled the 4.2 version of Android, its Operating System for Mobiles and Tablets. Among many other improvements, they also demonstrated the New Keyboard which made use of the Swipe Interface (similar to Swype included in Samsung Devices).

For the users who want to try out this latest stock keyboard even before the public release, here’s an easy way. The APK of the swipe functionality has been extracted from a leaked ROM of Nexus 4 which will come with Android 4.2.

You just need to install the APK to your phone and you’re good to go. The good thing is that it doesn’t even requires your phone to be rooted before using it. However, you need to be running Android 4.0 or higher on your phone to use it. It is also not available for Galaxy Nexus as removing the stock keyboard is not allowed.

Once you’re done with installing the App, you’ll find the new keyboard in your language & input settings. Enjoy the latest update. Please do note that being it is extracted from a leaked ROM and is not yet the final version, you may face some issues and bugs within it!

More info and Download it Here

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