Jolla Sailfish OS Uncategorized

Jolla outs Sailfish OS 2.2.1 update called “Nurmonjoki”

Sailfish OS 2.2.1 update

Jolla is now rolling out the stable Sailfish OS 2.2.1 to the eligible devices. This is a less-significant release as it bumps the OS version to from the previous The main OS version remains at 2.2 only. Jolla named the update after the river Nurmonjoki which is located 300km north of Helsinki, on south western part of Finland.

Jolla has brought a number of new features alongside quite many bug fixes. The update was in early-access availability since 4th of September and now available to all. I was personally expecting to see Sailfish OS 3.0 as it was targeted for release in Q3 2018, but I guess Jolla will be missing it again.

Accounts, Email and Calendar apps and VPN are the highlighting areas which received new features. The update also fully aligns the SFOS to meet the GDPR guidelines. You can read the complete release notes at TJC.

I have installed the update on my Intex Aqua Fish and the OS feels smooth as always. If you are not aware, the Sailfish OS is officially maintained for Sony Xpreia X. So, if you are a Sailfish enthusiast, then that’s one device you can buy to experience the power of Sailfish.

If your phone is not receiving the updates, then you can always update using the terminal commands. Do remember that it comes with its own risks as you can expect from a software not fully tested and certified for your device.